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We walk the talk.

Integrity is one of Lane’s core values – we are committed to acting beyond reproach in all matters and to doing what is legal, moral, and ethical. We adhere to a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics that assures we are always making appropriate decisions.

Lane considers the respect of ethical principles which the company has adopted to be fundamental, as well as the respect of laws and regulations in the countries in which it operates. That’s why we encourage compliance with our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics by offering a variety of training resources as well as multiple tools to allow Lane employees and stakeholders to submit reports on potential violations of company rules and/or law.

Ethics Hotline

An ethics hotline (1-877-LANE-999) or (1-877-526-3999) is available for employees and subcontractors to confidentially report, without fear of retribution, any suspected ethics violations for investigation. All calls are confidential and anonymity is completely up to the caller.

Ethics Portal

The Ethics Portal has been thought out as a complimentary, easy to use service alongside the Ethics Hotline. It’s reachable at the direct link and it is:

  • Confidential
  • Anonymous
  • Secure
  • 24/7

The platform is hosted by a third-party provider, EthicsPoint, and guarantees to safeguard the confidential nature of the report, and the anonymity of the whistleblower, unless he/she decides to disclose his/her identity.

The Ethics Portal aims to:

Continue promoting within Lane an ethical culture, with the assumption that active participation and the involvement of everyone is a fundamental part of the Company’s development process;
Ensure Lane’s awareness on acts and conducts contrary to the principles of the Code of Conduct or violations and/or presumed irregularities, with respect to regulations and rules, for a prompt intervention, monitoring at the same time potential reputational risks;
Provide guidelines for whistleblowers to responsibly report and manage information.

Founding Members of CIECI

As a founding member of the Construction Industry Ethics & Compliance Initiative (CIECI), we are dedicated to promoting integrity and ethical conduct in the construction industry.

Lane Code of Conduct Anti-Corruption Policy