I-35W Improvements
The project is known as Segment 3B of the Interstate 35W Improvement Project (35WIP). The 35WIP cost $2 billion, and included managed toll lanes throughout the 18-mile corridor and doubled the vehicle capacity of the existing highway. As part of the Segment 3B, Lane constructed 3.58 miles of general purpose lanes (3-4 in each direction) and frontage roads (2-3 lanes in each direction), as well as the addition of four managed (toll) lanes.
Lane self-performed a majority of the work including all grading and drainage operations, erosion control, bridge construction, asphalt and concrete paving, traffic control, and project/construction management.
Lane’s previously owned asphalt plant in Justin, TX produced approximately 350,000 TN of hot mix which was placed by Lane’s crews on I-35W.
Lane also installed 900 LF of 60-inch sewer line, using both directional boring and jack hammering. Jack hammering was used because of a thick hard limestone geology that was presented in part of the boring location.
Approximately 2,000 traffic barrels and 63,000 LF of traffic barriers were used to safely guide the traveling public through the construction zone.