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The contract is for replacing the east and westbound bridges of I-20 over the Wateree River, replacing the pond bridge on eastbound I-20, and rehabilitating two additional pairs of I-20 overflow bridges in Kershaw County. This project also includes the associated approach roadway work necessary to tie the new bridges into existing I-20.

reduction of GHG emissions by using Portland-Limestone cement instead of conventional concrete mixes
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation
design life for new River Bridge & EB Pond Bridge


All bridges were constructed in the 1970s and are at the end of their service life requiring a combination of replacement and repair.

The replacement portion of the project will include construction of a new 4-lane bridge and demolition/removal of the existing bridges. The construction, demolition, and rehabilitation work will be completed within the existing right of way.

Technical Highlights

  • 2 Replacement bridges
  • Demolition of existing bridges
  • 2 Pairs of Overflow bridge rehabilitations
  • Improving roadway approaches


  • Enhance driver safety