Photostory: The Carolinas
For more than 30 years Lane has built a strong presence at the heart of civil infrastructure in the Carolinas. From impressive dirt-moving at Columbia Airport in South Carolina; to a notable 20-mile stretch of highway widening and paving on I-85 in North Carolina; to public transit work on the Blue Line at UNC Charlotte; Lane has built a reputation as one of the premier highway contractors in the Carolinas.
Innovative solutions to building long-lasting infrastructure have strengthened Lane’s relationships with project owners, local subcontractors, and partners on bid-build and design-build projects. Lane was one of the first companies in the country to implement a “turbine design” on the I-485/I-85 Interchange project in North Carolina. This low-level, simple configuration was able to accelerate the project timeline and drastically reduce the cost of the DOT project. Lane also has received notoriety on several Carolinas projects by using existing or temporary bridges to construct ramps down into highway median work areas. This allows construction to continue efficiently and safely, while lessening obstruction of traffic and impact on commuters.
Lane projects in the Carolinas have employed over 2,500 workers since the 1980s, and the new infrastructure Lane built has dramatically improved life for commuters by decreasing traffic congestion and improving moveability. Currently, Lane is working on two projects in South Carolina, and three in North Carolina, employing nearly 500 people. Lane’s South Carolina projects include Port Access Road and I-85 Widening Phase III. North Carolina projects include Complete 540 (R 2828), I-440 Beltline Widening, and I-77/I-40 Interchange Improvements & Reconstruction.