I-264/Witchduck Road Interchange & Ramp Extension
This project was the second phase of the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) $363 million program to improve the I-264 corridor in Virginia Beach by increasing its capacity to reduce daily congestion.
Lane extended a collector-distributor road, reconfiguring the south side of the interchanges at Newtown Road and Witchduck Road, and building a new signature bridge over I-264 that connects Greenwich Road to Cleveland Street. The bridge includes aesthetic enhancements like lighting and a replica lighthouse beside it.
To minimize disruption to the estimated 55,000 average daily travelers, the project was divided into 22 separate construction phases as part of a complicated maintenance of traffic plan. The project was completed in fall 2021.
Technical Highlights
The project included:
- the widening of one existing bridge
- more than 500,000 CY of excavation and embankment
- more than 15,000 CY of concrete
- 20,000 LF of storm sewer pipe
- more than 43,800 SF of MSE walls